Starting off this blog making a plea to time… will you please please slow down? I cannot cope with how fast it’s going. Our precious Louie is growing up far too fast and it seems like only yesterday we were welcoming the precious gift that he is into this world!
I love writing these blog posts as it helps me to recover some time. I get to reflect on the 21 months that have gone by and think of all the joy, laughter and happiness this little boy called Louie Arthur has brought into our lives and all those around him. His smile, his many looks and his “old soul” brings us all instant happiness. I am in awe of it each and every day!
As mentioned above, he is already 21 months and running everywhere, although a bit clumsily. We are off to the specialist next week to have his feet looked at. We have been waiting for that appointment for far too long. The poor boy has had some bad clumsy falls due to the stability in his feet. When shoeless he uses his outer toes for grip as his feet roll inwards so much. It looks painful. When he wears shoes since he doesn’t have his toes as grip his feet stick outwards to make up for it and this has proven to be quite hazardous. However Louie being Louie nothing phases him and he has taken all his cuts, bangs and bruises in his stride. He’s a tough wee cookie which we are so proud of.
Since our last post Louie has added many words to his vocabulary including counting to three and singing his favourite song with me “the wheels on the bus”. It is so odd to me to hear his Scottish accent coming out when he says number two and “round n round”. Makes me laugh! He has also invented some of his own language which confuses us and makes us laugh so much. One of his favourites which he says in a particular way where you would maybe mean to convey “do you get me” “this is how it goes?” is “ashvena?” lol! Have no clue what has come together in his wee mind to make this word up.
Along with his vocabulary growing and him understanding us and situations and figuring things out for himself we have been going to a lot of play groups. On Monday mornings we have Gymboree with my friend Fiona and Louie’s wee pal her son Oliver. On Tuesday’s we have colour strings which is a lovely wee interactive class and he has made some sweet friends there. On Thursdays he has gymnastics! He gets braver and braver with each class. We walk to and from all of these classes rain or shine!
His favourite things at the moment are:
* Music. He loves dancing along to his wee folk playlist and some old tunes. Sometimes he plays along with his ukelele and attempts to sing along
* When he gets really happy he dances while he walks
* He says ‘mon for c’mon when he wants to lead you somewhere… in his little Scottish accent
* He has discovered no!
* He adores gardening with his grandad. He has his own wheel barrel which he uses to pick up leaves and branches. They have also planted courgettes, rocket and lettuce
* He repeats every word we say and can point to all his body parts
* He has a mega shoe obsession! Buy him a pair and you will be his best bud!
* He loves to play with his wooden camera and says “say chezzzzz” Say cheese in Louie’s lingo! haha!
* He suddenly hates bath time and nappy changes… he hides or screams down the flat… not fun!
Needless to say our wee Louie brings us our purpose for this life apparent every day! Have a look through these photos to see our love for him through our lens xx
Brunching with Uncle Malcolm and Aunty Lauren at The Bungo. This is one of our favourite Sundays off thing to do!
His me smile! Looks like his mama with this smile!
I’ll be as tall as you one day dadda!
Our wee shoot assistant!
More Sunday brunching! This time uncle Malcolm did the cooking!
Louie and Ethan! LOVE these as it had been a while since they had seen each other
Aunty Lauren cuddles are awesome!
Pooped out from too much fun at his aunty and uncles!
One of his favourite things to do! Play his ukelele and singing on his train! What a boy!
Time to BOOGIE!!!
French learning time
Louie through and through… utter odd ball and that’s flippin’ awesome!!!
Zoo adventures!!
Adventures at the transport museum!
Our furry daughter Abigail
More Bungo brunching fun!!! This time dipping crayons in water was the best thing ever!
Louie’s dance walking!
Must of been an ambulance going by
“chezzzz” Louie’s version of saying cheese for a photo
High fever cuddles
BBQ fun at the Blacks!!!
Have a look at our past Louie blog posts here if you wish to!