Well that’s us back in the UK and back to normality (have an awful cold though which is no fun!) after Louie’s first Christmas in Winnipeg! It was such an incredible 6 weeks! Apart from the last 2 weeks where we took our turns catching some sort of sick bug! This meant time ran out to see a lot of other friends we wanted to see.

As mentioned above we did lose some precious time but we spent it just relaxing which was rather lovely. I watched Van Helsing while I cuddle Louie during nap time! AWESOME! We managed to squeeze in family and brunch with Louie’s aunts and uncle the last weekend which was so good.

Our journey home was an extremely long one but made so much easier by meeting one of the loveliest and most positive human beings we have ever met, the lovely Michelle. Louie took a sudden liking to her and decided to hold her hand. So sweet! Check out her website here to see what she is about and her instagram page here. She has so many incredible goals for her business and I cannot wait to see where it goes!

So back to normality for The Gibsons but we are back at it with a head full of wonderful memories!

***We have a new Instagram page so be sure to follow us here!*** Want to see more of our adventures with Louie? perhaps when he was really wee? or in Vancouver? and perhaps even part one of our Christmas trip? enjoy!

Chantal, Scott and Louie x

2 of his favourites! His aunty Shabby and his guitar! hehe

My mom and I started off the year with healthy tasty food! Tropical overnight oats and home made crackers with humous and avocado!

His concentration face

Takes him a few minutes to warm up after waking up from a nap in a different place! haha! that face

Soon after cranking his head off of the table in the restaurant! Also we aren’t bad parents It was rather warm out for Winnipeg in January at a balmy +3 which for us felt like +10!

Crazy uncle Lee

Memere turns 93!!!!!

Louie somehow grabbed memere’s birthday card and walked it to her! It made her day and it was rather sweet!


Back home and 2 jet lagged boys

LOVE YOUR LIFE…that’s what 2017 shall be about. No matter where we live (we live in a very small 1 bedroom flat) no matter what we have due to what we can afford, no matter how busy we are we shall find the time! We have love so we are good!



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